FAQ – Frequently asked questions

Q1. Why are is Paypal not a payment option?

A The amounts we are transacting in are very small, but in high numbers, and it appears Paypal doesn’t like this.

Q2. Why does it take 2 days for my lunchbox ideas to be registered for sale?

A The quality of your ideas needs to be assessed i.e the pictures you supply need to be sufficiently clear, suitable, and related to your descriptions.

Q3. How does the system work?

A You have three options:

1) Buy random ideas in batches of a minimum of 10. You can request a restriction of either a type of food/ingredient or a method of preparation or both

2) Sell your lunchbox ideas. By purchasing the handy, easy to use lunchbox idea sales tool, you can submit your ideas and sell them for a profit. Each idea page you submit will be entered into a database, and sold against requests for purchase from idea buyers.

Payment details

  • Submit 10 pages for R10 – potential payout is R50 – R80
  • Submit 20 pages for R20 – potential payout is R120 – R240
  • The minimum payment of R50 will be made once you have sold at least 10 ideas


  • You must sell at least 10 pages in order to qualify for a payout.
  • You can increase your chances of selling by including a MAXIMUM number of restrictions in your idea pages
  • Terms, conditions, prices and payouts are subject to change. Please check before making any purchases;

3) Organise your life by purchasing the lunchbox schedule planner. This planner provides you with a 6 day calendar of ideas and automatically generates a required shopping list.

Q4. What is the Bay Leaf Initiative?

A For every R15 purchased, R8 will be donated to a charity of your choice, and you will receive 20 bayleaves! (delivery restricted to SA citizens only)

The Bayleaf donation initiative is all about helping out the community. No matter how small the contribution, every cent received  goes towards feeding a hungry animal, a child in need or a elderly person.

If your charity of choice is not listed, drop an email to admin@breadfellows.co.za with the subject “My charity of choice” and it will be added to the list.