What is the Bayleaf donation initiative all about?
The Bayleaf donation initiative is all about helping out the community. No matter how small the contribution, every cent received goes towards feeding a hungry animal, a child in need or a elderly person.
For every R15 purchased, R9 will be donated to a charity of your choice, and you will receive 20 bayleaves!
If your charity of choice is not listed, drop an email to admin@breadfellows.co.za with the subject “My charity of choice” and it will be added to the list.
Warm, delicious, hearty soups and stews – Bayleaves complement just about every dish. Whether you like the leaves fresh (strong flavour) or dried (a more subtle flavour), this leaf herb is the most versatile culinary additive used in just about every style of cooking.
Alternative uses:
Bayleaves can be used in teas, for face rejuvenation face masks, soaps, as an immune system booster, and have many other